Study Session - 6:00pm
Regular Meeting - 6:30pm
Council Packet Part 1
Council Packet Part 2
A. Call to order
B. Roll call
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Study session/public hearings 6:00pm
- 2012/0117.01 Street assessment project
E. Ceremonial
- 2012/0117.02 Swearing in of Raymond Brady as Reserve Officer
- 2012/0117.03 Swearing in of Nick Angeloff as Planning Commissioner
- 2012/0117.04 Presentation of proactive policing award to Officer Harralson
F. Public presentations
G. Consent calendar
- 2012/0117.05 Approve minutes of the January 3, 2012 regular meeting (Action)
H. Special presentations
- 2012/0117.06 Budget presentation for fiscal year ending June 30, 2011 (Receive & File)
I. Special call items/community affairs
- Special call items from consent calendar
- 2012/0117.07 Approve open gym basketball program (Action)
- 2012/0117.08 Direct city manager to establish fire sprinkler connection policy (Action)
- 2012/0117.09 Satus report on Rio Dell Plaza project (Receive & File)
J. Ordinances/special resolutions
- 2012/0117.10 Second reading (by title only) and adoption of ordinance no. 280-2012 amedning the Urban Residential and Suburban Residential zones, sections 17.20.020(2)(a) and 17.20.030(2)(b) respectively of the Rio Dell Municipal Code by removing home occupations and conditionally permitted uses (Action)
- 2012/0117.11 Second reading (by title only) and adoption of ordinance no. 281-2012 amending the Second Dwelling Unit regulations, section 17.25.180 of the Rio Dell Municipal Code (Action)
- 2012/0117.12 Introduction and first reading (by title only) of ordinance no. 282-2012 and resolution no. 1141-2012 amending the Plan and Zoning Designation of approximately 5,050 sq. ft. from Town Center (TC) to Urban Residential (UR) (Action)
K. Reports/staff communications
- City Manager
- Finance Director - check register for December, 2011 (Receive & File)
- Chief of Police - police department annual report (Receive & File)
- Community Development Director
L. Council reports/communications
M. Announcement of items to be discussed closed session as follows:
- 2012/0117.13 Closed session concerning labor negotiations with labor negotiator; the city's designated representative City Manager Ron Henrickson (pursuant to government code section 54957.6) concerning Rio Dell Police Officers Association, Rio Dell Employees Association, and contract employees
The next Regular meeting will be on February 7, 2012at 6:30pm |