December 7th, 2010 Rio Dell City Council Meeting Agenda

Study Session - 5:30pm

Regular Meeting - 6:30pm

A. Call to order

B. Roll call

C. Pledge of Allegiance

D. Study session (5:30-6:30pm)

  1. 2010/1207.01 Wastewater project II update

E. Ceremonial

F. Consent calendar

  1. 2010/1207.02 Approve minutes of the November 16, 2010 regular meeting (Action)
  2. 2010/1207.03 Approve the 2010 holiday schedule (Action)
  3. 2010/1207.04 Approve water bill claim adjustment for Mindy Henderson at 250 Monument Rd. in the amount of $107.91 (Action)
  4. 2010/1207.05 Approve progress pay request no. 3 for Mercer Fraser Co. in the amount of $18, 049.11 for work related to the Wildwood Ave. paving project (Action)
  5. 2010/1207.06 Approve water bill claim adjustment for Liz Samaniego at 444 Edwards Dr. in the amount of $150.96 (Action)
  6. 2010/1207.07 Approve resolution no. 1099-2010 dedicating a source of revenue for repayment of the state revolving loan fund loan (Action)
  7. 2010/1207.08 Approve Monument culvert project amendment no. 1 (Action)
  8. 2010/1207.09 Authorize Chief of Police to sign operations agreement with North Coast Rape Crisis (Action)
  9. 2010/1207.10 Approve weapons disposal plan (Action)
  10. 2010/1207.11 Approve pay request no. 10 for K.G. Walters Co., Inc. in the amount of $155,186.08 for work related to the solids and disinfection management project authorize City Manager to sign notice of completion (Action)
  11. 2010/1207.12 Approve scope of work from Freshwater Environment Services for development of a draft sewer use ordinance and enforcement response plan (Action)

G. Special presentations

H. Special call items/community affairs

  1. Special call items from consent calendar
  2. 2010/1207.13 Direct City Manager to develop recommendations regarding wastewater project II and contract services for council consideration on January 4, 2010 (Action)
  3. 2010/1207.14 Draft Eel River Valley Regional Food Collaborative, business and development plan (Discussion & comment)
  4. 2010/1207.15 Brownfield's project update (Receive & file)
  5. 2010/1207.16 PG&E wireless smart meter program (Discussion)
  6. 2010/1207.17 Approve contract agreement with HDR Engineering for design on the wastewater facility and effluent disposal project (Action)
  7. 2010/1207.18 Approve final operations budget and review draft combined balance sheet for the FY ending 6/30/10 (Action)
  8. 2010/1207.19 Review operations budget and combined balance sheet for the period ending 9/30/10 (Receive & file)

I. Ordinances/special resolutions

  1. 2010/1207.20 Approve resolution no. 1100-2010 accepting the certification of votes for the November 2, 2010 general election (Action)
  2. 2010/1207.21 Public hearing, introduction and first reading (by title only) of ordinance no. 268-2010 state video service franchises ordinance implementing "DIVCA", the Digital and Video Competition Act of 2006 (Action)
  3. 2010/1207.22 Public hearing, introduction and first reading (by title only) of ordinance no. 269-2010 adopting California Buiding Codes and Appendices and repealing Title 15, Chapter 15.05.020 - Building codes of the Rio Dell Municipal Code (Action)

J. Public presentations

K. Reports/staff communications

  1. City Manager
  2. Finance Director
  3. Chief of Police
  4. Public Works Director

L. Council reports/communications

M. Announcement in open session of items to be discussed in closed session as follows:

  1. 2010/1207.23 Conference with real property - negotiator, Ron Henrickson, City Manager. Under negotiation: price terms and other considerations (Government code section 54956.8)

N. Public comment regarding closed session

O. Recess into closed session

P. Reconvene into open session

Q. Oral announcements

R. Adjournment


The next Regular meeting will be on January 4, 2011 at 6:30pm


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