Regular Meeting - 6:30pm
A. Call to order
B. Roll call
C. Pledge of Allegiance - led by Boy Scouts Troop No. 74
D. Oral announcements
E. Ceremonial
- 2010/0216.01 Proclamation in recognition of Engineer's Week February 14-20th, 2010
F. Consent calendar
- 2010/0216.02 Approve minutes of the February 2, 2010 regular meeting (Action)
- 2010/0216.03 Approve minutes of the February 9, 2010 special meeting (Action)
- 2010/0216.04 Approve appointment of Stephanie Beauchaine as Brownfield's Trainer/Coordinator (Action)
- 2010/0216.05 Approve agreement with Winzler & Kelly for services related to Scotia CSD/annexation (Action)
- 2010/0216.06 Approve re-appointment of Dave Gonzales and Denise Sweaney to the Rio Dell Planning Commission for three year terms ending December 31, 2012 (Action)
- 2010/0216.07 Approve final progress payment request to Wendt Construction Co. in the amount of $38,270.45 for work related to the Safe Routes to School Improvement project (Action)
G. Special presentations
H. Ordinances/special resolution
- 2010/0216.08 Appove resolution no. 1070-2010 authorizing the County of Humboldt to apply on behalf of the City for North Coast Integrated Regional Management Plan (NCIWMP) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) funding (Action)
I. Special call items/community affairs
- Special call items from consent calendar
- 2010/0216.09 Receive presentation from Planwest Partners and Winzler & Kelly and direct city staff to initiate the annexation process and return to Council with a schedule and costs for the annexation effort (Action)
- 2010/0216.10 Approve scope of work from Planwest Partners, Inc. for public safety element update (Action)
- 2010/0216.11 Approve comments on the notice of preparation on the Bear River Ridge Wind Power Project and authorize the City Manager to send a letter to the County of Humboldt, Community Development Services Department (Action)
- 2010/0216.12 Consider endorsement of State Parks and Wildlife Conservation Initiative for November 2010 statewide ballot (Action)
- 2010/0216.13 Authorize City Manager to proceed with purchase of meter reading equipment from National Meter & Automation, Inc. in the amount of $13,580.00 (Action)
J. Public Presentations
K. Reports/staff communications
- Interim City Manager
- Acting Director of Public Works
- Chief of Police
- Finance Director
L. Council reports/communications
M. Announcement in open session of items to be discussed in closed session as follows:
N. Public comment regarding closed session
O. Recess into closed session
P. Reconvene into open session
Q. Oral announcements
R. Adjournment
The next Regular meeting will be on March 2, 2010 |