April 20, 2010 Rio Dell City Council Meeting Agenda

Regular Meeting - 6:30pm

A. Call to order

B. Roll call

C. Pledge of Allegiance

D. Oral announcements

E. Ceremonial

F. Consent calendar

  1. 2010/0420.01 Approve minutes of the April 6, 2010 regular meeting (Action)
  2. 2010/0420.02 Approve support for Councilmember Thompson's offer to serve as a city representative to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo)(Action)
  3. 2010/0420.03 Approve planting of six trees at the city owned property located on Riverside Dr and one at City Hall (Action)
  4. 2010/0420.04 Approve amendment 4 to the scope of services for CEQA bid period services, Caltrans reporting and construction management relating to the Wildwood Ave. paving and pedestrian improvement project in the amount of $87,000 (Action)

G. Special presentations

H. Ordinances/special resolution

  1. 2010/0420.05 Conduct public hearing/approve interim urgency ordinance no. 265-2010 authorizing a moratorium on the legal establishment and operation of medical marijuana dispensaries (Action)
  2. 2010/0420.06 Approve an e-waste collection event, authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents and approve resolution no. 1075-2010 for a revenue and expense budget amendment (Action)
  3. 2010/0420.07 Approve resolution no. 1076-2010 designation of authorized representative with State of California Department of Transportation for the Wildwood Ave. pavement and pedestrian improvement project (Action)

I. Special call items/community affairs

  1. Special call items from consent calendar
  2. 2010/0420.08 Public Hearing - unmet transit needs (Action)
  3. 2010/0420.09 Approve anticipated schedule of agency actions necessary to contract with the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) for employee retirement benefits (Action)
  4. 2010/0420.10 Authorize the expenditure of $1,400 for title search and mapping of city's Monument springs (APN 205-041-014) (5.539 acres) (Action)
  5. 2010/0420.11 Approve mid-year budget review budget amendments (Action)

J. Public Presentations

K. Reports/staff communications

  1. Interim City Manager
  2. Acting Director of Public Works
  3. Chief of Police
  4. Finance Director

L. Council reports/communications

M. Announcement in open session of items to be discussed in closed session as follows:

  1. 2010/0420.12 Public employee appointment-Title: City Manager (Government Code Section 54957)
  2. 2010/0420.13 Conference with labor negotiator; the City's designated representative City Manager Jim Stretch concerning Rio Dell Employee's Association and Rio Dell Police Officers Association (Government Code Section 54957.6)
  3. 2010/0420.14 Real property negotiations (Mozzetti) property: 24 acre parcel Northwestern Ave. (APN 205-111-031 and a portion of 205-111-033) agency negotiator: Jim Stretch, City Manager. Under negotiation: price, terms and other conditions (Government Code Section 54956.8)
  4. 2010/0420.15 Real property negotiations: Robert Rovai property 72 sq.ft parcel (APN 205-111-007 Northwestern Ave) agency negotiator: Jim Stretch, City Manager. Under negotiation: price, terms and other conditions (Government Code Section 54956.8)

N. Public comment regarding closed session

O. Recess into closed session

P. Reconvene into open session

Q. Oral announcements

R. Adjournment



The next Regular meeting will be on May 4, 2010


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