Regular Meeting - 6:30pm
A. Call to order
B. Roll call
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Oral announcements
E. Ceremonial
- 2010/0406.01 Swearing in of Officers David Lungi and Anthony Lopez
F. Consent calendar
- 2010/0406.02 Approve minutes of the March 2, 2010 regular meeting (Action)
- 2010/0406.03 Approve minutes of the March 16, 2010 regular meeting (Action)
- 2010/0406.04 Approve minutes of the March 23, 2010 special meeting (Action)
- 2010/0406.05 Approve appointments of Richard "Bud" Leonard and Andrew Gonzales to the Rio Dell Planning Commission (Action)
- 2010/0316.06 Authorize the Finance Director to engage the services of Mann, Urruita, and Nelson CPA's to complete the City's 2009/2010 FY audit (Action)
- 2010/0406.07 Authorize the Finance Director to sign the U.S. Bank contract and waiver (Action)
- 2010/0406.08 Authorize the appropriation of Parks Bond funds in the amount of $220,000 (Action)
- 2010/0406.09 Approve pay request no. 4 to K.G. Walters Co. in the amount of $65,610.00 for work related to the Solids and Disinfection Management Project (Action)
G. Special presentations
- 2010/0406.10 Humboldt Waste Management Authority (HWMA) recycling update presented by Councilmember Marks
H. Ordinances/special resolution
- 2010/0406.11 Approve resolution no. 1074-2010 expressing opposition to additional constraints on a local jurisdiction's ability to issue revuenue bonds and protecting local ability to pursue renewable energy development to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Action)
I. Special call items/community affairs
- Special call items from consent calendar
- 2010/0406.12 Update on general plan and zoning amendments for annexation and approve adding the annexation of the 29 acre Robert Mozzetti parcels (APN's 205-111-031, 205-111-007 & 205-111-035) north of the City to the City's current Scotia LAFCo application (Action)
- 2010/0406.13 Update on Annual Spring Cleain-Up Day (Receive & File)
- 2010/0406.14 Approve proposal from Cooperative Personnel Services to conduct a job classification and total compensation study (Action)
- 2010/0406.15 Direct staff to communicate the City Council's position on the HOME STAR Program to our legislative representatives in Washington, D.C. (Action)
J. Public Presentations
K. Reports/staff communications
- Interim City Manager
- Acting Director of Public Works
- Chief of Police
- Finance Director
L. Council reports/communications
M. Announcement in open session of items to be discussed in closed session as follows:
- 2010/0406.16 Public employee appointment-Title: City Manager (Government Code Section 54957)
- 2010/0406.17 Conference with labor negotiator; the City's designated representative City Manager Jim Stretch concerning Rio Dell Employee's Association and Rio Dell Police Officers Association (Government Code Section 54957.6)
- 2010/0406.18 Real property negotiations (Mozzetti) property: 29 acre parcel Northwestern Ave. agency negotiator: Jim Stretch, City Manager. Under negotiation: price, terms and other conditions (Government Code Section 54956.8)
N. Public comment regarding closed session
O. Recess into closed session
P. Reconvene into open session
Q. Oral announcements
R. Adjournment
The next Regular meeting will be on April 20, 2010 |