
Rio Dell City Council

Study Session 5:00pm

Regular Meeting 6:30pm

July 15th, 2008

A.  Call to Order

B.  Roll Call

C.  Pledge of Allegiance

D.  Study Sessions/Public Hearings (5:00-6:30pm)

  1. 2008/0715.01 Field trip to proposed annexation site - Blue Slide Rd.

E.  Ceremonial Matters

F.  Consent Calendar

  1. 2008/0715.02 Approve minutes of the May 20, 2008 regular meeting (Action)
  2. 2008/0715.03 Approve Check Register (Action)

G.  Special Presentations

  1. Public Hearing - Proposed annexations, general plan and zoning amendments (excluding Belleview neighborhood) - Planwest Partners (Action)
  2. Public Hearing - Proposed general plan and zoning amendment for the Belleview neighborhood (Action)

H.  Ordinances/Special Resolution

  1. 2008/0715.04 Approve resolution no. 1009-2008 encouraging health and wellness in cities (Councilmember Dunker) (Action)
  2. 2008/0715.05 Approve resolution no. 1010-2008 approving submittal of application to HCD for funding under the HOME Investment Partnership program (Action)
  3. 2008/0715.06 Introduce and conduct first reading of ordinance no. 256-2008 amending Rio Dell zoning ordinance (Action)

I. Special Call Items/Community Affairs

  1. "Special Call Items" from Consent Calendar
  2. 2008/0715.07 Approve progress payment no. 2 to Argonaut Constructors, Inc. in the amount of $264,544 for work related to the 3rd and 4th Avenue improvement project (Action)
  3. 2008/0715.08 Authorize the City Manager to sign the wastewater scope of services contract no. 2008-01 in the amount of $46,500 to forward the wastewater improvement project (Action)
  4. 2008/0715.09 Authorize the City Manager to sign the wastewater scope of services contract no. 2008-02 in the amount of $20,000 to forward the wastewater improvement project (Action)

J.  Public Presentations

K.  Reports/Staff Communications

  1. City Manager

  2. Public Works Director

  3. Chief of Police

  4. Finance Director

L.  Other Council Business

M.  Announcement in Open Session of Items to be Discussed in Closed Session as follows:

  1. 2008/0715.10 Personnel - City Manager

N.  Recess into Closed Session

O.  Reconvene to Open Session

P.  Oral Announcements

Q.  Adjournment


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