August 17th, 2010 Rio Dell City Council Meeting Agenda

Regular Meeting - 6:30pm


A. Call to order

B. Roll call

C. Pledge of Allegiance

D. Oral announcements

E. Ceremonial

F. Consent calendar

  1. 2010/0817.01 Approve minutes of the August 3, 2010 regular meeting (Action)
  2. 2010/0817.02 Approve contract agreement with Winzler & Kelly Consulting engineering for sug-contracting with RGH Consulting for geotechnical review and materials testing on the ARRA Wildwood Ave. paving project (Action)
  3. 2010/0817.03 Approve change order no. 112 from K.G. Walters for work related to solids and disinfection management project for an amount not to exceed $18,762.00 (Action)

G. Special presentations

H. Special call items/community affairs

  1. "Special call items" from consent calendar

I. Ordinances/special resolutions

  1. 2010/0817.04 Approve resolution no. 1083-2010 confirmation of fiscal year 2010-2011 tax assessment 1978 sewer assessment bonds (Action)
  2. 2010/0817.05 Approve resolution no. 1084-2010 authorizing the update of signature cards on all U.S. Bank accounts to include the city manager

J. Public presentations

K. Reports/staff communications

  1. City Manager
  2. Finance Director
  3. Chief of Police
  4. Public Works Direction

L. Council reports/communications

  1. 2010/0817.06 Parks & Recreation Commission update

M. Announcement in open session of items to be discussed in closed session as follows:

  1. 2010/0817.07 Public Employment-Public Works Director/City Engineer (Gov. code section 54957)

N. Public comment regarding closed session

O. Recess into closed session

P. Reconvene into open session

Q. Oral announcements

R. Adjournment


The next Regular meeting will be on September 7, 2010


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