September 7, 2010 Rio Dell City Council Meeting Agenda

Regular Meeting - 6:30pm

A. Call to order

B. Roll call

C. Pledge of Allegiance

D. Oral announcements

E. Ceremonial

  1. 2010/0907.01 Proclamation in honor of the 2010 North Coast Stand Down

F. Consent calendar

  1. 2010/0907.02 Approve minutes of the August 17, 2010 regular meeting (Action)
  2. 2010/0907.03 Approve minutes of the August 24, 2010 special meeting (Action)
  3. 2010/0907.04 Approve progress pay request no. 1 for Mercer Fraser Co. in the amount of $148,886.73 for work related to the Wildwood Ave paving and pedestrian improvement project (Action)
  4. 2010/0907.05 Approve progress pay request no. 9 for K.G. Walters Co., in the amount of $214,644.45 for work related to the solids and disinfection management project (Action)

G. Special presentations

  1. 2010/0907.06 Update on Rio Dell wastewater project:
  • Presentation of proposed Mozzetti site groundwater anti-degradation analysis - Winzer & Kelly
  • Presentation of wastewater reuse project environmental impact report addendum no. 2 - Winzler & Kelly

H. Special call items/community affairs

  1. Special call items from consent calendar
  2. 2010/0907.07 Approve employment contract agreement for Public Works Director/City Engineer (Action)

I. Ordinances/special resolutions

  1. 2010/0907.08 Approve resolution no. 1087-2010 requesting Humboldt LAFCo give preference to annexation over Scotia CSD (Action)

J. Public presentations

K. Reports/staff communications

L. Council reports/communications

M. Announcement in open session of items to be discussed in closed session as follows:

N. Public comment regarding closed session

O. Recess into closed session

P. Reconvene into open session

Q. Oral announcements

R. Adjournment


The next Regular meeting will be on September 21, 2010


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