The Conservatorship of BarbaraHumboldt County Superior Court Case # PR2100162 CONTENT WILL CONTINUE TO BE ADDED - SCROLL DOWN!!
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12.22.23 The Clark Family Faces Humboldt County Probate Court - Part Two (audio) What happened in court? 12.9.23 The Clark Family Faces Humboldt County Probate Court - Part One (audio) 10.10.23 SB 280 (Laird) Conservatorship Care Plans is Signed! Conservators must create and provide a comprehensive care plan to court and relatives of the first degree (adult children & spouse) by Jan. 1, 2025 in a big win for families! 6.25.23 History of Keller Conservatorship Petition is clearly laid out here - all of the the information is taken directly from filed court records. Scroll down and look carefully at the Critical Dates Regarding Legal Capacity - this is key to understanding what occurred in this matter. 6.15.23 Judge sides with local journalists against major Humboldt law firm in unique defamation case - a win for the RioDellTimes! 11.12.22 Protect Our Loved Ones is now online and under construction - check here for the resources and information you need to protect your loved ones with conservatorships, long term care, Alzheimer's resources and more. It is a work in progress... Information on the injunction will be reported on soon so stay tuned... 8.14.22 Packet of "injunction" paperwork (searchable) from Attorney Chris Johnson Hamer asking the court to demand we not publish the public records or contact public officials. After a full-year now of Attorney Hamer refusing to acknowledge the fraudulent and legally deficient paperwork she submitted to the court under penalty of perjury on behalf of her client - the previously unknown nephew of Mom's fifth husband. Much more to come... 8.12.22 Coming soon! packet of "injunction" paperwork from Attorney Chris Johnson Hamer to try and stop public records from being posted or communication with elected officials over elder financial fraud, etc. We will be going over the evidence in excrutiating detail. Hamer acknowledges that her GC-335 Capacity Declaration was not legally valid but claims this was because they ran out of time (???). 8.10.22 The Wolf at the Door: Undue Influence and Elder Finanical Abuse by Michael Hackard, Esq. - he literally wrote the book on these types of crimes which are much more common than anyone cares to admit. Unfortunately, in Humboldt County these kinds of crimes against the elderly and disabled are ignored entirely when perpetrated by cronies The Price of Care: Investigating California Conservatorships - ABC10 releases year-long investigation of California's conservatorship industry 7.17.22 Segment Ten is posted above. Listen to the latest court update - it is remarkable! Fundamental rights for the elderly, like the simple right to visit your family without interference, don't exist as far as the Humboldt County Superior Court is concerned. Numerous court regulars were in that hearing and heard the exchange. There are obligations to report that come into play for the court staff and attorneys - there are some whistleblower protection laws that may help you here. Imagine if it was your Mom or Dad getting treated like this? 7.15.22 A hearing was held yesterday in Humboldt County Superior Court - come back for the segment which will be posted soon. Attorney Hamer, Royce Mendonca and The Pines, A Merrill Gardens Community in Rocklin should read the Authority of Conservators and Agents Under Powers of Attorney Related to Residents Rights - they know this information of course, they're just choosing to repeatedly violate Mom's civil rights (Probate Code 2351) without any consequences (to date). 6.26.22 June is Elder Abuse Awareness month and Barbara has a broken wrist - updates from the June probate hearing Segment Nine 5.16.22 Please be sure to listen to Segment Eight for the latest update on the probate court hearing for Barbara... 4.23.22 The audio segments have been reposted to SoundCloud - you can access them all here... We will be talking about why KMUD News has 'temporarily' taken the stories offline after being contacted by an attorney. Nice to know they're paying some attention now. Read the scathing audit report on State Bar of California's attorney discipline process - this is why you and your loved ones are easy prey for unscrupulous attorney's, there have been no consequences Notated transcripts from 9/29/21 'evidentiary hearing' - read it for yourself - you're going to be hearing a LOT more about the issues raised here... Notated Evidence Binder that was willfully ignored by Judge Canning and returned unreviewed in the ironically named 'evidentiary hearing' - transcripts coming -Why did he schedule an 'evidentiary hearing' in the first place when he said at the outset that we would not be allowed to talk about any of the evidence provided so the fraudulent documents created by Attorney Chris Johnson Hamer. We were not allowed to talk about my allegations of elder financial fraud against Attorney Hamer either. Judge Canning couldn't care less about the civil rights of elderly residents - he never assigned them the legal counsel that was required by law - why? 3.22.22 Candidates for District Attorney and Superior Court Judge asked to comment on civil rights - responses will be posted Unfortunately, the Humboldt County Probate Court doesn't care about elder fraud perpetrated by local attorney's which puts every one of us and our loved ones at risk Scroll down to see the side by side legitimate GC-335 Capacity Declaration v. the fraudulent one submitted by Attorney Chris Johnson Hamer 2.1.22 I wanted to highlight the fact that Attorney Chris Johnson Hamer proudly boasts of handling probates of decedent's estate and real property - which would most likely be assigned to her by the Public Administrator/Coronor. So here is a reminder about the PA office and the shopping mall mentality that was on full display by numerous people (worst kept secret in the county) - any connection to an attorney who submits blatantly fraudulent documents to the probate court which are never scrutinized? Inquiring minds want to know! Notated 12.13.21 Barbara Keller Conservatorship Ruling and Order with Court Transcripts Attached - this is how your Mom or Dad will be treated by the Humboldt County Superior Court if you don't have a local connected attorney on retainer... 1/28/22 I called Mom at The Pines, A Merrill Gardens Community today since it is her Great Grandson's 1st birthday - I was told that Mom has COVID-19 and she tested positive on Jan. 24th after not waking up on her own. The facility had notified the previously unknown nephew of Barbara's 5th husband since he is now the conservator - and fully responsible for her medical care by the way. However, this stranger and Attorney Hamer had absolutely NO intention of letting a single person in Barbara's family know that she was ill - we still don't have details as the facility is only communicating with the previously unknown nephew of Barbara's 5th husband as he has instructed them to do. This is truly sick and it (again) demonstrates clearly the level of ethics and lack of good will by the stranger that the Humboldt County Superior Court handed custody and control of my Mom to. Also, she continues to have NO MEDICAL PROVIDER near her that she has established care with so that they have her medical records. The court doesn't care about any of this however. Notated Memorandum of Points and Authorities - curious about how the Mendonca's became involved in the first place? Want to see the civil, probate and penal code violations that Sharon documented and the court ignored entirely... Notated GC-310 Original petition narrative and supporting documentation - why was a conservatorship necessary in the first place? Read the wills and the living trust that names Sharon as their trusted representative time and time again...these are the wishes the court ignored Notated GC-335 Capacity Declaration - Ronald W. Keller with Nurse Practioner Heather Allen Suport Letter Attached - Who altered the Judicial Council form before submitting under penalty of perjury? Iris Health Medical Group is being thrown under the legal bus and they might want to consult their attorney's... Notated 12.10.21 GC-340 Order Appointing Probate Conservator - Barbara L. Keller - the order form was filled out by Attorney Hamer and then submitted to the Judge for signature - which explains why it doesn't stand up to even the most basic scrutiny Elder Financial Fraud Statutes and the Keller's - Also, how do I know the Public Defender was never appointed for the Keller's? Read on Notated GC-111 Petition for Appointment of Temporary Conservator - Royce Mendonca (legal name is Roland Royce Mendonca, Jr.) If you're going to create bogus documents - try to make sure you've backdated accordingly. Lazy! 1.7.22 Cease and Desist Threat Letter from Attorney Hamer - notated (p.s. what are you going to do about it? Steal my Mother?!?!) Here are some Wolff family photos with Ron and Barbara that were submitted to the court and were entirely ignored - the baby is Walter - their great grandson 12.19.21 Letter to Judge Timothy Canning after receiving ruling 12.13.21 Barbara Keller Conservatorship Ruling and Order - see the notated version posted above that includes court transcripts too! Amended Court Investigator's Report - Barbara L. Keller This is an amended report done after Roland Royce Mendonca, Jr. applied to be conservator of Barbara - recommendation "After a careful consideration of the preceding interviews and review of the documents submitted in this case, the undersigned finds that Sharon Wolff is acting in Barbara's best interests, and was in fact nominated by Barbara and Ron to manage their estate while each had capacity. Therefore, establishment of the probate conservatorship of the person and estate of Barbara Keller with her daughter Sharon Wolff acting as her conservator is respectfully recommended."Notated GC-340 Order Appointing Probate Conservator (filed 12/10/21) Fraudulent Capacity Declaration and documentation used by local prominent attorney to invalidate the will and living trust of an Alzheimer's patient and take their estate (right click to "save as" and save a copy for training purposes - this is textbook elder financial fraud stuff here) Chris Johnson Hamer of Stokes, Hamer, Kirk & Eads, LLP Roland Royce Mendonca Jr. - aka Royce Mendonca Read the letters to Assembly Member Jim Wood and Assembly Judiciary Committee re. elder financial fraud, conservatorships and more... |