
6.8.07  Politics Toppled Pace From Joint Chiefs

Defense Secretary Gates Recommends Adm. Mike Mullen To Lead U.S. Armed Forces - CBS News

The Players:

George W. Bush - President of the United States of America

Robert Gates - Secretary of Defense

Admiral Mike Mullen -US Navy (Replacement of General Pace)

PETER PACE  - Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff





5.17.07  Leadership failures found in GIs' murders -MSNBC  It seems like criminal negligence to me.  Those soldiers were left without any support! 

"Three 101st Airborne Division soldiers were killed in the June 16 attack. Spc. David J. Babineau, of Springfield, Mass., was found dead at the scene. Pfc. Kristian Menchaca of Houston and Pfc. Thomas Tucker of Madras, Ore., were abducted; their mutilated bodies were found three days later, tied together and booby-trapped with bombs."   -MSNBC

Mistakes Led To Grisly GI Deaths Last June -CBS News

Officers faulted in Iraq mission that left 3 troops dead -CNN

Report Says Soldiers Were Not Protected -ABC News

Probe Into Murders of 3 GIs in Iraq Faults Commanding Officers -Fox News

Rio Dell Times . com


4.30.07 'You Were In Charge'

A group of ex-CIA officials call on Tenet to give back his medal of freedom, branding him 'the Alberto Gonzales of the intelligence community.'  -MSNBC

4.21.07  Jihadist Video Shows Boy Beheading Man -ABC News  and the beat goes on...

3.2.07  TGIF Still no Usama Bin Ladin

also:  "U.S.  Heading for Financial Trouble?"  -CBS News

The war is the same old crapola.  Spring means time for the Taliban to come out and play.  By popular opinion Iraq is a lost cause.  What a huge waste of resources and lives.  I can say it.  John McCain gets scolded for it.  Go figure.  A former Hanoi Hilton Guest being scolded for speaking the obvious.  Just ignore them Mr. MacCain

Also Iran under great pressure now from the US Navy.  Is the straight of Hormuz secure yet commander? 

"U.S. Navy's Mideast buildup came after Iranian provocations in crucial Gulf, Navy commander says"

Keep your eye on the ball!  In this case the U - 235Iran is a nuclear state full of developable Uranium deposits.  See also: 

Iran Discovers New Uranium Deposits, Continues Enrichment Program -Fox News

Cost of War Over $404,000,000,000  now. 

Steve :-)




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1.8.07  Iraq Sucks!  So goes the typical headlines.  Should we send all the kings horses and all the kings men?  Usama Bin Ladin Must be laughing his butt off!  Well the US Navy is in charge of Iraq now!   I bet you didn't see that coming :-)  We should have sent the Navy to Tora Bora.  I think the fleet needs more funding if your going to have them work the ground war too.  At least it should give us cover to get more of the fleet into the area.   We're knocking at your door Iran. 

Also Public Trust can be restored:   See    Vincent Dragone.  All of his friends were just as guilty!  DA Spota you are a hero to your community.  Vincent Dragone is now a Rat in a cage.  Eat cheese Rat :-P   Steve :-)

12.27.06  President Gerald R. Ford  Rests in Peace...

12.25.06  Merry Christmas!  Sad Statistic:  U.S. military deaths in Iraq pass 9/11 toll -MSNBC That's not counting the people who are dying slowly from environmental poisoning from the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks!  Saudi Arabian Native Usama Bin Ladin still eludes Justice :-(  See 9/11 Plague

Also:  US 'to park carrier off Iran'  Cool!  Let's Nuke their Nukes.

And:  U.S. Selective Service Prepares Test of Military Draft -Fox News.  President George W. Bush says that a draft is not being considered.  We are however lowering our standards to get more people recruited.  The War Machine needs a tune up.  Our equipment is all worn out.  Meanwhile I see that Ethiopia is bombing Somalia using Russian Migs and Helicopters.  See:  "Ethiopia opens 'war' on Somalia militia"

Finally we'll end with some good news.  Britney Spears has started to wear her underwear again.  Fruit of the Loom stock rebounds on the news ;-)  Merry Christmas!  Steve :-)

11.14.06  The Democrats are now in charge of the congress.  Some talk of pulling troops our of Iraq.  Bad Idea!  We bought this war, now we need to see it through.  If we are lucky maybe we could get the UN to take over the situation.  Bush Sr. Predicted what would happen in Iraq should we invade.  He was right!  Also Iran has plutonium and enriched uranium according to the United Nations.  Maybe they plan on making a a yellow cake.  Meanwhile Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad  says that they are ready to make enriched uranium.  For those that don't know.  Iran's mountains are full of low grade uranium.  See also Iran's plot to mine uranium in Africa.  Nuclear bombs are spreading around the world right now...The atomic bomb named "Little Boy" was dropped on Hiroshima by the Enola Gay, a Boeing B-29 bomber, at 8:15 in the morning of August 6, 1945.

See:  Who has the bombs 

I hate to say it but since we are already in Iraq we might as well have some short range nukes handy.  We have over 10,000 aging nukes.  A weapon unused is a useless weapon.  Boom -('@')-  that could certainly take out one of those Iranian Centrifuges.  Don't mess with us.  We have 10,000 Nukes and just a couple would do the job.  Happy Tuesday November 14th brrr.  It's a chilly 60f degrees with blue sky in Rio Dell California  1:41pm.  Steve :-)


10.17.06  ‘National yawn as our rights evaporate’  -MSNBC  Today President George W. Bush has signed into law the Military Commissions Act of 2006  The new law redefines habeas corpus

Also:  Cost of the War in Iraq so far:  $335,200,000,000 and counting at about $2,000 per second.  National Priorities Project Iraq is small potatoes compared the the other two "Axis of Evil" Iran and North Korea whom are quite happy about the United States being bogged down in Iraq.  Of course everyone awake knows about the first nuclear detonation by North Korea.  Now they may be preparing for another.  You can bet that the tech is widely available to our enemies now.  I wonder how our space based systems are coming along.  This is actually one strategy that given time to mature will work with proper implementation.   Steve :-) 


9.22.06 TGIF!  U.S. fatalities in war exceed those from Sept. 11 -MSNBC Of course that's not counting the ones still dying from various environmental poisoning from the fallout.

9.14.06 Being clobbered by foreign competitors in the market place Ford to layoff 75,000 -MSNBC.  Our ability to manufacture is all moving off shore.  This is a matter of national security!  Maybe we should buy all of our military weapons abroad.  Everyone else does...  See also:  UAW, Ford agree to voluntary, system-wide buyouts    Steve :-) 

Also:  3 days after September 11, 2001 5th year anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center, and Pentagon.

9.8.06  The big news is at HP:     "Hewlett-Packard Sets Emergency Board Meeting" -MSNBC No secrets on the computer over at HP not even for the Reporters.  This is a huge problem.  HP sells secure systems.  They just don't own one ;-) 

Also:   September 11, 2001  Attack on the World Trade Towers & Pentagon Attacks 5 year anniversary is in 3 days!  It is modern day Pearl Harbor day.  War is war. 

finally:  Senate report: No Saddam, al-Qaida link   -MSNBC

TGIF...........................................................................................................STeve :-)

7-31-06 over $300,000,000,000 now National Priorities Project      Dum de dumb.  Wonder what's on TV Duh!!!  Calling a Spade a Spade MSNBC

7-5-06 North Korea tests seventh missile amid outcry - MSNBC  He's just lighting his fire works for the 4th of July.   U.S. officials said the long-range Taepodong-2 failed some 40 seconds after take-off, calling into question the technological capability of North Korea’s feared ballistic missile program.  Korean leader Kim Jong-Il is not going to take this 'Iran getting more attention' thing lying down.  It's not the failing ICBM's we need to worry about; it's the ones that work.  I imagine that the North Korean rocket engineers were able to get a substantial amount of data from an ICBM that flies some 40 seconds before being destroyed.  From my understanding, this is a 3 stage rocket.  At which stage did this missile fail?  As far a fitting it with a nuke, I hardly see why that would take any time at all.  What about China?  They like North Korea, and they will help North Korea out of any bind that we try and put them in.  It's a matter of the Chinese mainland security.  I wouldn't be surprised to find Chinese engineers helping North Korean engineers with any of the few remaining hurdles in putting it all together.  In a nuclear device, the toughest part is getting the plutonium.  Once you have that, a simple atomic weapon can be made large enough to destroy a small city.  Korean leader Kim Jong-Il has plutonium, and plenty of it!  We really don't know what else he is capable of.  Actions speak louder than words, and these latest launches are in the face of America.  Time will tell what comes of it... 

Other news: Still no Usama Bin Ladin  :-(          

and National Priorities Project     Let's see now;  when I started our site, it was at $203,372,000,000 now it's $293,647,000,000 -National Priorities Project only 90 Billion more.  My, how time flies.

Steve :-)