Rio Dell Times

                               Rocks, Fossils and More


                                                                     by Michael Wolff


Hi, my name is Michael Wolff and I’m here to tell you about rocks and related subjects in Rio Dell. I have noticed that the river in Rio Dell is a good place to find fossils and drift wood. There is also Chapmen’s near Rio Dell which is a good place to identify rocks and look at small rock museums. Chapmen’s has stuff like Topaz, Emerald, Hematite and jade. Chapmen’s also has a lot of petrified wood and small pictures made out of rocks and they have a small room with rocks that glow in the dark.

When you go into the water of the river in Rio Dell you can see some of the more oddly colored rocks. This is where you aren’t as likely to find petrified wood and fossils.  If you are trying to find rocks in the water stay more to the shallow side because out into the water more is just sand and a little gravel. For fossils try to find rocks that look normal and break them open. If you’re looking for petrified wood then you should pick up what looks like old parts of a tree and feel it if it feel like a smooth normal rock then it is petrified wood.

There are also a lot of other rocks I can tell you about such as Garnet a violet gem not too rough but a little rare. There is also Ruby a red gems it’s not very see through but is a very nice rock. Hematite is a very nice rock it will sort of remind you of Silver it is shiny and normally smooth. Jade is  a green rock but not Emerald green it can have other small little lines going though it but that is normal.

 If you see some of these rocks you might be more interested in researching more on rocks they can be very interesting. I've researched rocks and have learned a lot about some of these rocks and have a good rock collection. I have a lot of  rocks like Tiger eye. Tiger eye is a rock that sort of changes colors in some areas. I have been a rock collector for two years because I saw a beautiful rock and saw many more while looking for rocks.

 Now that you know what a few of the rocks are try to find one or two. Some are very rare and very beautiful. You also know where you can find some of the rocks but some like Ruby might not be at the river though. If you are someone who does not like to go looking for the rocks you just like the rocks then chapmen’s is the place for you. At Chapmen’s its you get the rock without the wait at the river you work for your rock but you’ll feel better when you find it.



             Good bye and thank you for reading my article

