Rio Dell California United States of America

Hello, and Welcome to the nice side of Rio Dell.  This is a place were the Wolff family will post nice things that we find about our community.  I look forward bringing all things that make the community shine to our friends near and far.  Unlike the official Rio Dell Cities page.  This one will actually be under construction continuously :-)

Excerpt from article, "Ancient Names of Humboldt"  Redwood Genealogy Society

"Wildwood was well-known in the nation during the prohibition days.  It was the Italian area of Rio Dell during the teens, 20's and 30"s.  In the 1940's the Rio Dell Chamber of Commerce established the name of Rio Dell over the areas of what was then Wildwood (Rio Dell and Belleview) as well as Riverside Acres along the Eel River bank."

I will try to post the article in it's entirety as soon as possible.   The rest of the article covers other areas of Humboldt County and provides a lot of interesting history for those of us not born around here.  When you ask for directions from a Humboldt native, it is not uncommon to get a response similar to "go down the road until you get to where Johnson's barn used to be before it burned down and take the road to the left."

United States Constitution
City Hall

Humboldt County Sheriffs

Rio Dell Construction
Rio Dell Planning Commission
Rio Dell Volunteer Fire Department

This was taken a just before we moved to Rio Dell about 3 year ago.  This is about 100 yards from the Eel River.  Pictures don't do it justice!

Main street August 5th 2005.  Entering Rio Dell from the South I am standing on the end of the walk on the  Eagle Prairie Bridge.  This used to be Pacific Coast Highway 101, but the Highway was diverted some years ago.  This is Wildwood Avenue.  It's Wildwood Days!

I believe Grundman's Sporting Goods may be the oldest business in Rio Dell.  I have been in their a couple of times.  It is a pretty cool place if you are a sports hunter, or collector. 

Photo Taken 10 - 4 - 05  Yeah that's me Steve...  Why, What have you heard ?    ;-)



Steve :-)

Wolff Zone

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Pacific Lumber Bankruptcy
Rio Dell Volunteer Fire Department
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