Did you find what you were looking for :-) Rest assured if we had it we still got it.

Old archives will be brought back online ASAP.

E-Mail tips to Steve@riodelltimes.comt

3.30.25 Sourdough bread from scratch Mmmmmmm. Sharon has nailed the "Recipe" We will try and get a nice Video about it all as we are able. The studio remains mothballed unitl I get some better weather. April showers bring May flowers.

Also: We got some good Congressman Huffman media today. That we will be publishing. He is our Federal guy in the house. We need his help for our County. Love him or hate him. He's our guy...

Finally: Woah! hole in the roof at Palco? Is that fir? It doesn't look like redwood in the video. Too bad, it would have not failed. I can tell you from the experiance of living in a 1915 redwood house. It doesn't rot! Quite amazing really. A piece of Douglas Fir will rot away in about 5 years if its touching the ground.

Back to the races...

3.10.25 Modern Medicine: Time Flies when you have heart disease. Not me Steve, but my Father In Law. Would you believe at 87 you can get a new heart valve and lease on life? Woah! A lot of trauma and drama but in the end modern medicine made the grade. The lesson here for our students of logic is don't ignore a failing heart valve. The surgery was mininmally invasive. Apparently the doctor that does them in Santa Barbara does 4 a day. Just get it done if you need it!

Daughter of California: I am going to continue running "The Stolen Purse" video on our front page for a bit longer. At the point of the video we still had no clue as to what was actually going on behind closed doors.

Diesel Power

2.5.25 Welcome to new Rio Dell Police Chief Joshua Phinney.

1.26.25 Tick Tock goes the clock. Looks like our Blue Collar Trucker friends are getting a big nevermind from the city on the recent bruhaha over parking big trucks. Sharon will be publishing another story on this local debacle soon.

also: Rio Dell Times is baking sourdough bread from scratch and you should too. A Big thanks to my Mother == Carolyn who is also a California Girl just like Barbara. She gifted us a nice breadknife and slicer as well as a razor for scoring the top. When we get it all figured out we'll make a how to video specific to Rio Dell California. Sharon has found that for your starter a heatmat and thermometer are essential. It's cold and we have some baking right now Mmmmm.

Note: On Day Two the chickens are still unable to peck the bottom crust on a recent loaf but new hope is rising...get it, rising... :-)

Finally: Backyard chicken lover's. Chick season comes soon. One thing that thrills Mom and the kids is baby chick's. I think it takes about 3 to 4 months and then your getting your own eggs and you know what goes into them.

1.1.25 Happy New Year! 2025 looks to be a bumpy ride. So many issues on deck locally, nationally and globally.

Knowledge is power:

CA Court of Appeals upholds ruling against prominent Arcata attorney and client - read the full opinion

Background: Judge sides with publishers of Rio Dell Times in First Amendment ruling against Arcata attorney and client - Lost Coast Outpost

12.29.24 Don't you just love a good game of Chess. My favorite is when I force a second Queen onto the board. Ho ho ho. Might just get those game boards out as It is no work soggy woggy days. It will take a couple weeks to dry back out. Then we will start making a mess again. Yeah Baby!

In other news: YAY to our fellow Christmas decorators in Rio Dell. Even the littlest string is enormous in the darkness. It's tough with the expense. Our big lit candycane and "R" was retired. Each piece used about 400+ watts of energy with legacy bulbs. I will likely build a new big candy cane for next year. Our Christmas tree of lights on the octagon turned out good. I may make it bigger next year and put a star on top. Fun :-)

Finally: Our Editor Sharon is recovering well after some major surgery. It's been about 2 years to get thru it all and now we are hopefully all fixed up and ready to great 2025 with fervor.

Killer Queen

12.5.24 Earthquakes. Yeee Haaaw just another day in Humboldt County California... It was shallow about 1/2 mile deep. reportedly two of them a 7.0 and a 6.7 located about 50 miles off our coast. No damage here knock on wood! Others weren't so lucky.

11.22.24 Bomb Cyclone. Wow! So far we are at 5.8 inches this week in Rio Dell California. Mostly the last 2 days. Doesn't seem so bad in Rio Dell except the new non motorized bike path seems to have extra water. Stay tuned for some updated footage... Down south they are getting it worse... So far.

Fling Thing

11.14.24 New media coming of Rio Dells exciting new non motorized bike path. It's short, its wide and it's at the end of Edwards drive. Check it out. We met up with others checking it out too including the gardener for our local Community College. All 5 of our children attended - I am pretty sure. I got a year or two of complete coverage of their awesome back to school garden along with giant redwood log with college students in our archives. Barbara's home in Fortuna that was taken was built by other CR students who were learning to build houses. Coming from a family of teachers she loved the whole idea and the house too. Certainly a huge milestone for Barbara and the family.

Back to the races...

11.8.24 DATE CHECK 123 Yee Haw!!! Another great Halloween haul. Our tally is 43 kids mostly little ones with their parents. They are all brave souls given the darkness around the light of the Rio Dell Times. What a great bunch of smiling friends in costumes.

Also: Woah. I just found out it's a 3 day weekend. YES!!!

Finally: Busy before the rain. It's all DIY for our Earthquake repairs. We are almost 2 years in. Our neighbors house at 4 Painter sold and is being rehabbed as well as the one across Painter street. What a deal. It's a mess but will sort out good. A couple of these places around here have gone for a song. Most All of these places in the lowlands of Rio Dell are old and distressed. I gotta say I have not found any redwood on our redwood house that has rotted or been eaten by bugs. That's not true of other materials that were foisted onto our project. The SBA did step up with a low interest loan that is helping us get our repairs complete. Yay Uncle Sam! Who would even know that they did that kind of stuff. Check it out...

More to come!

10.7.24 Time flies... We have some media from a recent event at Miranda's Rescue that we will be bringing online soon. The studio is in limp mode for the time though our remote capabilities are ready to rock as always. Batteries Charged? Check. Back up.... Check! Backup for the backup. Check and check. Hoooah!

Also: Have they cancelled Halloween yet? Not at the Rio Dell Times. We love it! Of course we are a big family and we love to party. The scariest decoration from years past in Rio Dell Has to be the doll garden located at a home behind City Hall. Really creepy! Our witch on display at the Rio Dell Times is was named Miranda by our Daugter in Law Kathryn due to her being built with materials from the Miranda's Rescue Thriftstore. Shopping there helps fund the Animal rescue. That's a win-win for us guys when the women want to go thrift shopping and it helps animal rescue keep happy friends ready for adoption. Sharon got some great footage that's coming soon.

And: Rockwool. Yep. It's not just for hydroponics it's a modern type of insolation and sound proofing. Check it out. I got some 3" that we are going to try out. It was ordered in from Oregon to Valley Lumber in Ferndale. It's a great product! Mountain Mike put some in his house down in Salinas for his bathroom remodel as well as manufacturing a couple sound panels for friends.

Finally: There were some questions about our all of a sudden NOGO sidewalk project on Painter St. The city of Rio Dell is waiting for completion of our sewer system repair and upgrade to come thru first then we get our shiny sidewalk on one side of Painter. The short section that was put in near May St. was paid for by a homeowner dividing their property. No doubt our area is going to become quite valuable with Cal Fire coming in just around the block...

9.5.24 Steve say: Wildwood Days was the biggest yet! We got plenty of media to prove it. It's in the Archive for later... We could hear the band from the Rio Dell Times playing the oldies by the Eagles and such. The food and other activities always draws our crowd of kids and grandkids. That worked out especially good this year as it gave some great court time for Mountain Mike and I to play some high intensity ping pong. Yeah Baby! Alas the table is mothballed for more Earthquake repairs. Boy howdy. Fixing some real crap work along the way done by former Rio Dell building inspector Arnie Kemp's pal Joe Buccola. Boy do the crony's and their pals Suck Suck Suck!!! I'll fix it all like it should have been done before. That will be a win.

Also: Schools back in session. Yay! Check it out the Monument Middle school got a new metal ping pong table. I think it needs to be leveled. Sharon and I tried a game on it. Boy is the metal net unforgiving. Fun nonetheless. And good for the brain. What a good deal. I also am noticing the school has put regular basketball nets back. No more of that wire mockery of the game that they replaced. There is nothing like the sound of a basketball passing thru a real net. Swoosh!

And: We are still waiting for our Appeals Court processes. However Sharon has another podcast up on the poor victims of Ms. Georgetown Law "The Clark Family." In my opinion she really screwed them royal. Now I hear one of the 6 sisters recently died. No doubt the stress of what Ms. Georgetown Law contributed and with the open eyed help of the court victimized her each time the court placated the predator attorney. Shame on Humboldt Superior Court. Shame shame shame. It's the wild west. Law? That's for the loser victim. Give me your Mom, Your Family, Your friend etc. And you should just take it like a good citizen while the likes of Ms. Georgetown Law goes on vacation with your families money and dreams. That's the kind of stink that will never wash off. P U! Just like "Poopie Diapers!". Hmmm. I feel another nickname coming! What do you think Shirley

Finally: Back to the races and a 1915 built house that needs a lot more work. Dump run on deck. Hoo raah!

8.3.24 Rock and Roll It's still Wildwood days!

Heavy Metal

8.2.24 It's Wild Wood Days! Come one come all to Rio Dell California. Looks like some good fun stuff going on. Ball games, food and other activities. Check it out!... Fun and Fun Thru this weekend.

7.17.24 California SB1106, The Kasem-Nichols-Rooney Law has been put back to the Assembly and is no longer on Governor Newsoms desk - the bill needs to be passed (again) by Aug. 31st. I will have to get an updated render on the front page. Ms. Georgetown Law should give it a watch don't you think.

Also: Shout out to Mom and everyone who made the party. In particular Mountain Mike as it was great fun schooling him at some Pong. Mom's multi-day big 80th party was a complete success with all the trimmings of kids, grandkids and great grandkids. She of course burst out crying when she had to go. Pull yourselft together Ma :-) I did manage to get a couple "Steve - You Are Relentless" out of her. Music to my ears as I don't even have to try. Yee Haw Ma! Can't wait for next party :-)

Praise You

6.26.24 Steve: "The bank" takes ownership of red tagged 4 Painter Street right next to the Rio Dell Times. We are told its going to be demolished and a new home put in its place. What a shame. The main house structure is intact and could likely be put right back and rehabbed for the next family. It's all redwood balloon construction. Likely built in 1915 same as the Rio Dell Times studio at 3 Painter.

Also: Pong for the Medula? Yeah baby! Imagine this. A pong club for Southern Humboldt District 2. Did you know your paddle is actually called a bat? Like a baseball bat. Just another way to play ball where everyone can participate. Fun yeah!!!

Finally: Moms coming to town soon so were getting ready as we can. She is a WWII baby born right after her father shipped out with the Marines to fight in the South Pacific. She's turning the big 80. Shes still very active. Mows her own lawn, teaches classes and other activities at her church and helps out her friends and neighbors sometimes even trucking them all around the frickn' country in her black jeep. Come to think of it at nearly 80 good old Mom's pretty darn active. No signs of dementia either. I warned her about people like Ms. Georgetown Law. Supposedly this kind of criminal activity is A-OK across the country and given a Free Pass

Step one: Isolate

Step two: Overmedicate

Step Three: Steal the Estate.

More to come...

Hot Ride

6.7.24 Howdy to todays visitor to the Rio Dell Times Studio. Glad you could come by and see the shine on the new floor before the dog destroys it :-) I think I have enough thick coats of Polyurethane to protect the Oak. It's a ground up project. It all get's done in the end. We still have a couple earthquake repairs. What a lucky deal we have in Rio Dell where we can learn how to fix our own house. No one else is there to do it.


Fixing a Hole

5.13.24 Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day! California issued a proclamation about the life long damage from childhood the day before Mother's Day to remind everyone of the state policy against families and Mom's in particular. The constant assault against women and families is staggering and the state would never get away with treating any other population the way they're treating women by erasing their hard-fought civil rights - including the right to simply exist as their own gender...in the name of equity of course. Happy Mother's Day to 'people who can become pregnant' from the State of California!

p.s. the Governor did not issue a Mother's Day proclamation - are you getting the hint yet?

More details will be coming from the recent hearing re. Ms. Georgetown Law's move to dump her client in the middle of a court action and leave the big steaming dungpile of a mess she created for the family to contend with. Did the Humboldt County Courthourse ask any questions about what this "dump and run" move meant to the client or the ongoing case? I bet you can guess the answer...

4.24.24 Stay tuned for a new intallment from Sharon reporting on the Clark family. It sounds like Ms. Georgetown Law is trying to dump her client. More to come.

Humble Brothers

3.22.24 Great footage from the Painter Street project by Wendt Construction coming soon! It's all looking good. We have a lot of walking traffic checking it out. When the concrete and steel comes in - That's civilization. The work being done on Painter Street is part of a property split and lot line adjustment. The city is requiring the owner to either demolish or move the gray house in order to build a road back to what will be new lots with an intent to sell to a developer. The city infrastructure project for Painter Street that received grant funding is still coming at some point.

3.12.24 Water shutoff this coming (thursday) for the Painter Street upgrade - Thursday at 9am to 3 pm. Make sure and back up some water for Toilet flushing.

Also: It looks like we get to keep Michelle Bushnell for our District 2 representative. We like her. Michelle has been on the job here in her district all thruout our earthquake disaster. She has a big anti-whippit campagn going. I don't know why people would even use that crap for getting high. Can you say "Brain Damage" It's amazing we live thru our youthful explorations. Woah!

And: Sharon is recovering from major surgery so we are on super light duty the next little while. She will make a full recovery and be better than ever. I am sure Ms. Georgetown Law and her Compadres willl be happy to hear that. Don't worry Ms. Georgetown Law We are still on the case.

Finally: Spring Fever! More earthquake repairs sure. But that's not going to stop our other projects is it :-) You Really Got Me!

3.5.24 Election Day!

Humboldt County Voting Options


2.5.24 Painter Street Upgrades with Wendt Construction on the job! Hey it's my favorite, tools. Heavy Metal. Yeah baby! We are missing Dennis Wendt for several years now. He seemed like such a good guy. He was always right on the job site geting it done. He died on his way home from a 49's game in an accident on the notorious HWY 101. A huge loss to Humboldt County. Nonetheless his legacy continues with fresh work grinding along soon to be topped with a shiney new concrete sidewalk. Whoa! Just what we need!!!

Also: Put on the Geek Hat! Rio Dell Times Studio migratory performance upgrades happening now. This is all server side stuff that will give is better video playback and other performance enhancements. More tools in the tool box. Barbara's Granddaughter Shauna is also coming on board with some "Eye in the Sky" content. Very exciting!

Finally: Spring is coming and Rio Dell is Chicken Country. I like Chickens! Everyone that can should have some. If you want chickens that talk all the time. Get Barred Rock. If you just want big eggs all the time get a leghorn. A good place to get them is mail order from the McMurray Hatchery. They arrive in the mail in a nice box with breathing holes and peeping chicks. Get educated: Backyard Chickens.

1.24.24 Neighborhood RAID! What a sad state of affairs. Some media of the event is on the front page. It's a heart breaker seeing our neighbor and his pooch being loaded into the cop car. I hope it all works out for them in the end. Everyone is a victim with these drugs pouring in from abroad. We are told by our local Rio Dell Police Chief Greg Allen that there will likely be a press release on it in a couple days.

also: Hum de dum. We are still waiting for Ms. Georgetown Law and her appeal. What a slow poke!

Finally: The state opened up eligiblity for the Brace and Bolt program for residents - apply before Feb. 21. Mountain Mike Approved!


1.6.24 Council Votes: The Pee House is gonna go. I will have to remember it in song. Maybe we could dedicate a day as "No more Pee House Day!" We could plant a well fertilized plant in it's place. Perhaps sweet peas. Hmmm. I will have to go click off a last couple of pictures of it so we can always remember it how it was.

The vote on the Pee House was unanimous. A flushing sound maybe could be heard in the breeze on the gavel that night.

You're in Love

The council meeting video is here

12.24.23 Rainy soggy wet work interrupting... Looks like a bunch more of that. Instant mud in Rio Dell. This season can sometimes be a pile-on. The holidays come along, moneys tight and like clockwork the old car breaks down, water heater goes out, medical expenses come in. etc. etc. and you still gotta deal with the kids. Easily one can get overwelmed with it all. Easy answer? Nope you just gotta be a warrior and forge on. What's the other option? You can't flatten the bumps on the road of life but you can at least slow down for them so you don't break your suspension. Ho! ho! ho! (Keep Smiling!)

Merry Christmas!

12.13.23 Ms. Georgetown Law. Coming to a Courtroom near you. This would be a good time to scream in horror. Here's Sharon's latest report on a local 5th generation family and their plight. Check it out!

Now lets work those vocal chords AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaah...

All together now!

11.28.23 Tick tock goes the clock. We had a great Halloween turnout this year. Many fun families, kids, costumes and lots of candy treats. Mmmm. Sugar. Ode to my old high school coach Mr. Hecker who would teach us about the "The Sugar Blues" How right he was...

Also: Thanksgiving with family? Not for Barbara. Ms. Georgetown Laws client literally told our family that we could only have mom come for dinner for the holiday if "they called Sharon off." That means some of the pictures that I (Steven L. Wolff) put together for The Humboldt County Superior Court were the last home holidays Barbara got with her family.

Happy Thanksgiving nonetheless as we have yet another grandbaby on the way. That's news that's good everyday.

Finally: Earthquake repairs continue. Final window is in. The Milguards are good. Nice and smooth. A bit better quality than the ones that got racked by The earthquake.

Note: Possible stocking stuffers for fellow earthquake warriors. Milwaulkee box cutter, Made in USA tape measure, pencils, 4" Purdee paint brush... Reeses peanut butter cups. Ok. Merry Chistmas and happy shopping.

10.22.23 It's still the busy season. Earthquake repairs drag out in Rio Dell. It's par for the course. Many of us fall into the catagory of if it's going to get fixed we must do it ourselves. That's going to take a lot of time as much of the housing in Rio Dell is old and was already in disrepair. This is just another place where we pay a poor tax. There will be more Earthquakes. Milgard Windows, available at Schmidbauer are warranteed in the event of future Earthquake damage. This is good piece of mind for the next time. Check it out.

Also: Ms. Georgetown Law is appealing her loss in the Anti Slapp she tried to get away with. She will lose that too. Everything she did was with her eyes wide open. Facts are stubborn and truth always bleeds thru. The law should have stepped in immediately in our case. That is a fact.

Chris Johnson Hamer

I fought the Law

9.30.23 A couple more earthquakes. Yep yep yep. Glad we got the bracing in on the foundation thanks to Mountain Mike and helper Shauna. The reimbursement check just arrived! End result. The hardware was paid for. Family labor pulled it all together. $952 == Maybe our 1915 house doesn't slide off the foundation. That's a good gamble. The return is immediate == Piece of mind. More to come... Steve

9.12.23 Don't forget Pink is for Barbara

8.27.23 Smokey Days and the doors on the way! Yay!!! More earthquake repairs. Dang doors are expensive!!! There goes a big chunk of that SBA loan. Soon comes more sawdust, chips, chunks... dump run...


8.17.23 Another small earthquake in Rio Dell Today. About a 4.

8.13.23 Sharon got tons of Wildwood Days 2023 media. It will likely take to Christmas to get it up. It's too bad Engine 3 didn't make the cut this year. Our Free Mason Friends the Shriners put on a great show as well as many others. I think we capped out at about 80 Gigs of raw footage. Dancing Cowgirls.. The horses are spectacular, fireworks, the bands. It may be the top 3 strongest showings for Wildwood Days...

Also: Our project list is long. Eventually Mountain Mike will be back up to help us with another big repair. By then our replacement saw should be here. Yay! Old trusty rusty has seen better days. You cannot go wrong with a Makita 10" chopper. It saw more rain that any saw should. I will move her rusty Diablo blade to the new one. Now if we can just afford the materials to put thru it. Yikes! I am afraid to look what inflation has done since our last load of materials.

Finally: Do not forget the poor dog! We have some hot weather and if you are like me, and a have more northern type breed like German Shepherds. They need lots of water and fresh air. Note:  Our dogs are not allowed at the Eel River locally as it has a history blue green algae which sometimes kills local dogs.

Heat Wave

8.3.23 We are still waiting to see if we get any reimbursement from the Brace and Bolt program. Nonetheless it is worth it to bolt our old 1915 Girl down. Next up is make another mess to work on a mess. Eel River Disposal is getting a big piece of the action from us and likely the rest of Rio Dell...

also: takeaways from the big quakes. Strap down that water heater. It is reported to us that major damage was caused thruout the town from water heater ripping the plumbing out from not being strapped down. Strap it down with something like this. No flying water heater is a good thing.

Finally: It's Wildwood Days!!! This years theme "Back In The Saddle Again"

Boxcar Willie

7.12.23 The permit is officially signed off on and in the video. Big thanks to Mountain Mike and Shauna Wollf his helper for their great work! The magnetic "Nut Driver" really pulled the finish off nicely! We have much more we are going to be doing to further shore up the Rio Dell Times studio as well as other bracketing and repairs...

Ring of Fire

7.8.23 Shout out to Gloria and the rest of our Oregon Family. It's amazing how time flies...

Initial bracing and bolting is all done at the studio. Thanks to Michael Wolff. The boy at the bottom on the front page and in the video (all grown up). We will bring more media on what we do to prepare for the next big quake. It's going to happen. A good defence is a the best offense. We are the first to do the brace and bolt in this area. Hopefully not the last.

Full Moon Fever

7.2.23 I am STOKED!!! The Rio Dell Times is officially "Braced and Bolted" We will bring some fresh media about it online soon including how we did it. More bracketing will be coming for the interior. Beefy goodness! Many in town should be doing the same thing. More earthquakes are coming that is certain. Some will be big.

Heavy metal!

6.27.23 ...

The Blues Brother's

6.18.23 Happy Fathers Day!

also: Special thanks to Lost Coast Outpost Editor: Hank Sims as well as Ryan Burns for running our story. It is much bigger than us and thanks to our friend Paul Nicholas Boylan we will be able to tell the whole story. It's a Silver Tsunami full of middle class old people ripe for the pickin's. Barbara is still in the custody of Ms. Georgetown Law's pals. The DA knows all about it and could step up and do their job. How long should we wait? Until she dies in their custody? I don't like to hammer on the good guys however you fail to be one if you don't do your job.

Going thru our old papers and Humboldt County Superior Court coverage, Sharon happened to find another case we followed several years ago having to do the conservatoship of my friend and neighbor. Maybe Ms. Georgetown Law would like to try a preemptive SLAPP suit on me talking about that case. Her name is all over it!

Lifes Been Good

6.16.23 Results driven: Judge sides with publishers of Rio Dell Times in First Amendment ruling against Arcata attorney and client - Lost Coast Outpost Thanks Ryan!

Also: Paul Nicholas Boylan. Wow! He is a mighty warrior! Thank You Paul! I love having friends who are super smart. You all know who you are :-)

Happy Fathers Day!

6.6.23 Brace and Bolt. What is it and how do we do it. In our case it is metal bracketing of the house to the concrete foundation. Here is an example of the bracket. Cool! Who doesn't love Simpson ties. What do we need?

Pictures, a plan, a building permit, tools, hardware... modest brain power... Hopefully we can align with the programs timeline to qualify. Regardless metal braketing is our friend in "Earthquake Country." Barbara Lynn Bareuther's Grandson Michael (pictured on the front page) will be coming up and bringing his fancy tools for our 4th of July party. Stay tuned. We will be shooting video as we go when the ball actually gets rolling.

Many repairs are ongoing around Rio Dell some are getting done quick with the help of many hands and contract labor. The rest of us are pretty much PayGO with limited resources. I think if city of Rio Dell wanted to get more money for it's coffers while at the same time helping it's citizens it would give a "SALE" price and/or "Discount" on earthquake related repair permits. Everyone loves a good deal and will actually spend more money to get it. Me included! Hmmm. Really it's a win win for the city. You end up with better properties, happier people and best of all better participation in the cities permit process.

Final note: We are kicking BUTT! Look at those numbers. WOW! SSL is of course another third of our traffic.

More to come...

5.31.23 Camera's camera's and more camera's. Stay informed and check out the footage from our newest camera in the family with the latest Rio Dell Public Earthquake Hearing. It is reported to us that my planter with the roses in the front are a good gage of the shaking due to it's new tilt. I call it my Flintstone planter. I made it with a Costco tub as a mold, chicken wire... and bagged ready mix. It's probably about 300+ lbs and has a rose that was a mothers day present for Sharon. Of course Barbara Lynn Bareuther was with me when I wrote the check and exclaimed "I want in on it too!" at the checkout. I told her of course. Note: Barbara is not just my Mother in Law. She is my friend. I stand up for my friends to the end. One of my big projects is The Conservatorship of Barbara. Or as I like to call it TCOB. Lights camera action!

And: Brace and Bolt? I am getting up to date on their program. Note you can drill concrete with your Makita Hammer Drill. It may even allow you to be cool like Steve and have a drill that smokes... Now that I have a new drill (Same battery). I feel I am ready to once again drill some concrete for any bolting. Note for those that have seen my "Blue Building" It is in fact bolted to the concrete pad that I built for it. Maybe overkill? Yeah right! I am planning my next hammer drill too :-)

Too Much Time on my Hands

5.16.23 Prowlers a prowling all around Rio Dell. Prowling is dangerous work in a community that is already under great stress and on edge from our recent earthquakes, inflation, kidnapping...

Also, Did you hear it? That's sunshine and power tools :-) Yee Haw Ma! What a mess... O K God! I got this too!!! :-)

Good Enough

4.28.23 Yard work, earthquake work, studio work and taking out the trash. This is spring and summer this year in Rio Dell. Yay sunshine! We see some work around town getting done. A couple good sized crews. I hope that our neighbors aren't haveing to go too far into a loan for repairs. Rio Dell is having another free dump day coming soon (May 13th). Here's the flyer - residents can drop off furniture, yard trimmings, scrap wood (not treated wood), old appliances and scrap metal - no e-waste, household trash, tires, hazardous waste or construction waste will be accepted. :-)

Build a Fire

4.18.23 SBA came thru with the goods. Cool! Thanks Bob et al! I may have to check the SBA out some more. They are fast and efficient in our case. More to come...

3.30.23 More rain coming. April showers bring may flowers. Humboldt County is saturated. One might wander what all that water weight is doing to the fault zones. We are not ready for another big ride just yet. Fortunately home repair isn't rocket science so we can patch it right up for the next ride. A couple of months of dry weather goes a long way... March in like a Lion out like a Lamb

3.19.23 Rain rain go away. Come again another day!

Higher Ground

3.1.23 Our SBA Fixed Low interest disaster loan == $59,700 @ 2.3% + for Rio Dell Times earthquake repairs should we take the entire amount. It sounds like you get $25,000 up front + save your reciepts for repair work etc. for further disbursements. Might want to check that one out before the March 6th deadline. The SBA sent a tall guy in a cowboy hat named Bob to come take a look at what we got. He was super nice and helpful! Thank's Bob!!! This will be a big help in getting back our studio. The Rio Dell Times is - earthquakes not withstanding - growing as expected.

Also: Vote Watch == Boy those numbers are straight up great! In the background picture that's Sharon next to girl on the end. She is wearing the only "Red Bernie Sanders Hat" that I could find for sale at the rally. We gave it to Sharon's brother Tim. Barbara Lynn Bareuther's Son. He's just the nicest guy. In the 40 years I have known Barbara he has always been a great son to her and of course a good friend to me including getting us our beloved German Shepherd Kuno who is pictured on the front page. Barbara loved Kuno and Heidi too. I guess that's all I can say for now. It's not all I have to say by a long shot. More to come in due time.

I can't wait!

2.10.23 Earthquake relief? We are still waiting for new info. Until then Senator McGuire's next town hall is postponed. Don't miss out on some help from the SBA in the form of low interest loans. It's better to get it and not need it than wait too long and not get it. Big Bob of the SBA came by for a nice tour of the Rio Dell Times damage. Uncle Sam with a low interest loan may be the best game in town for those of us who need to get er done. We will be bracketing, shoring and buckling her all down for the next earthquake and the ones after that too. April flowers bring may flowers. Hopefully we can rip into it come May.

also: We hear a lot of damage was caused by people not stapping down their water heater. Maybe the city should do a strap down the water heater campaign. Imagine a gas water heater tipping over in your house during and earthquake...

2.3.23 Patience is a virtue. That's what we have so far as information on Earthquake recovery and other issues. In the mean time we can not get scammed by opertunistic a holes who pose as construction professionals. There is a lot of bad people who swoop in with smiles and lies ready to pump your ego and rob you blind. Senator McGuire's next "Earthquake Resoponce" Town Hall (virtual) is scheduled for Wednesday Feb. 8th at 7:00pm online.

Scammers target disaster victims. Spot their traps

1.20.23 Buried:

Is there an old forgotten water system underground in Rio Dell contributing to neighborhood flooding? Between the school and Painter Street there are broken pipes that are flooding neighbors. The city is so far saying it is on the homeowner. I am guessing more of us may have these pipes under our property. Our information is that there is an old easement along the rear of Painter Street properties specifically for city maintenance of the old water system.

Underground - Men at Work

1.11.23 No FEMA help for earthquake damage and rain and more rain. Maybe this whole earthquake mess will just wash down the river! It seems some of the city is about to with yet another red tagged apartment complex along the Eel River. The Rio Dell Times just got a nice upgrade to a yellow tag from a CalTrans reinspection. Many of us in Rio Dell California sustained further damage with the 5.4 aftershock. We have an open invitation to our local Senator McGuire's office to come tour the Rio Dell Times and see it all. Many of us are reeling from hyperinflation, hit and run gas prices not to mention rampant criminality...

That reminds me. We are still awaiting more court documents that we will be publishing regarding Ms. Georgetown Law.

Staring at the Sun - The Offspring

1.8.23 How low can they go? Last night looters targetet our red tagged neighbors and stole there tools. This is multiple instances of looters on Painter Street and the surroounding area being reported. Beware!!!

12.26.22 What a mess! It looks like a nice shiny "Green Tag" for the Rio Dell Times. We have a plethera of media that will work it's way online over the coming days and weeks. The "Busy Season" just got busier. That's ok. We are on it!


12.24.22 We are still circling the wagons. Tremors continue...

12.22.22 Two dead in 6.4 magnitude CA earthquake that caused widespread damage - SF Chronicle

California town grapples with toll of quake in homes, water - NBC12

11.8.22 Exploring Humboldt's PG&E Crisis Part Two is online!

11.3.22 Exploring Humboldt's PG&E Crisis Part One - watch the presentation to the BOS

10.13.22 The Alonzo Painter (founder of Rio Dell) page has been updated with historical information about Rio Dell and Humboldt County - including why the train tracks run underneath the unstable Scotia Bluffs...

10.2.22 The puplic hearing leading up to the fast tracked CARE Court Law is online! Each part is about 10 minutes. We will be following this and many more election issues closely.

Also: Keep those hens producing with: Chicken Coop Lighting for Egg Production. They love electric guitar too! They get the funniest look on there face when I play my E chord. Cluck cluck goes the old hen.

9.29.22 Tick tock goes the clock. Here comes Halloween once again. We like American Halloween around here. Local crops in our display like pumpkins, gourds, straw. Of course, this year Mr. Scarecrow will be up, ready and on the watch. We get a nice amount of trick or treaters here at the Rio Dell Times. Fortunately, since we have already had the Covid we should be immune to catching it and or spreading for the next several months. We always tour Rio Dell and see everyone’s decor. That doll garden near city hall is quite scary. I like it!

Also: Look out for roosters. Turns out the, attempted murder at the chick hotel was rooster on hen assault. As soon as I catch the sucker, it is curtains for him. I really could care less about crowing roosters and am against the ridiculous ban against them but If you want to pay to feed a rooster that should be up to you. Be warned though. They eat a lot more than a hen does and they may even eat the eggs.

It is the busy season. So get busy! - Steve

9.16.22 CARE Court. Ever heard of it? ............ Now it's the L A W!!!

9.13.22 Featured local Rio Dell artist Judith Frost. My favorite of course is a tie between the blue birds and the paint brush. The paint brush Looks a little like mine. Anyway C H E C K I T O U T :-)

Fly Away Home

9.9.22 TGIF! Rio Dell California. The breeze is almost always blowing thru the Dell. Perfect for launching your kite. Anyone from Oregon might remember back in the day Taco Time would give a free kite with a crisp meat burrito. Yum and fun.

9.1.22 Rio Dell starts September 2022 with two power outages. It looks like it's time to bust out the generators.

8.26.22 TGIF! The Covid turned out to be a couple day affair. We are back working. The Rio Dell Times Studio is coming along great! We are determined.

8.9.22 Hot off the press! New Court transcripts are scheduled to come in at the end of August. Note: Ms. Georgetown Law never had to personally show up to do what she did. COVID protocols means it is all done via Zoom anymore. Imagine that. The attorney didn't even have to show up "in person" to The Humboldt Superior Court "evidentiary hearing" despite it being mandatory for others. That's a lot of clout! It's a tag team scheme brought to you by https://www.shkklaw.com/ with the knowing complicity of the "Superior Court." I see they have 70 years experience doing this to the community. I wonder how much money they have squeezed out of their victims in those 70 years of tag team. None of the fraud would be possible without the corrupt attorneys and their cohorts on the bench who will rubberstamp anything no matter how egregious or blatant. Birds of a feather flock together...

Also: Covid sucks! We will continue to isolate. We are vaccinated with the Moderna. In my view everyone should get the shot. I have some family holdouts still. The virus is endemic now. Most everyone will get it sooner or later. Other tools that might help you if you get sick with it. Mucinex, hot shower and lots of fluids. Sharon is on day 6 and I am day 3 with symptoms. It seems that for some it can drag on.

The Prodigy

8.7.22 Happy Wild Wolff Days! Covid has stricken the Rio Dell Times just in time for the big party. We will get better soon and be back in the saddle again. Party On!!! Steve

7.24.22 Busy is good! We are awaiting more Court transcripts, which we will publish ASAP.  Mum is the word. Many of you already know the drill. I do have some remastered Scotia Band footage from Wildwood Days 2006 that we will be bringing soon. Those guys’ and girls are great! Steve

7.13.22 Notice Ms. Georgetown Law's website is gone gone. Here is whats in it's place https://www.shkklaw.com/ Note-usually a new business website is created offline and then posted all at once to replace the existing one without any disruption to service. That's not what they're doing here for some reason. We will be following this breaking news that you will only find here at the Rio Dell Times. We are stronger every day. And growing. Crank it up!

A Train of Angels

7.1.22 TGIF! The June numbers look great. The "Redwood Curtain" has been drawn and is exposing substantial weakness and rot. We are strong. The studio upgrades are going great and we are portable. I am buttoning up some projects over the next several months then I will be back to Court. It will be great to get back in the swing of it. To this day I regret missing the Preliminary Hearing on the People vs Thomas Arthur Applegate. Murder trials are much more interesting than some 3rd Grade School teacher who got herself in trouble, right? The sheep are easy picking's without a shepherd. Barbara will be celebrating the 4th of July with a broken arm. She is tortured, mistreated and attacked. The Conservatorship of Barbara

One Night In Bangkok 

6.19.22 Happy Fathers Day! As a father of a large family I have many hats and many tools. When there is a job to be done those tools come out. There is a job to be done. My Mom in Law was kidnapped, held hostage, and we recently found out according to her own words attacked and now has a broken arm and a pink cast all the way up past her elbow. There is no justice for Barbara. Justice was lost to the cowards who stole it. As a Father I have no choice but to further my resolve and fight on. I guess Ms. Georgetown Law was begging the recent court to try and get Sharon to rescind her work exposing her and her perp friends. Too bad so sad. We will be publishing everything in due time. Chris Johnson Hamer

Pink is for Barbara.

Happy Fathers Day! Steven L. Wolff aka Dad

6.5.22 Hello to today's visitors to the Rio Dell Times . com. Thanks for coming by. As our recent visitors might notice. Hard work pays off. Keep working hard. You will then be strong like. Steve

6.1.22 Happy belated Memorial Day. Millitary family. Yep. Many of us. I have a really big family. My Grandfather who taught me many things shipped out of San Diego as a Marine on his way to fight in the South Pacific (World War II). He knew and was friends with Barbara.


5.23.22 Make sure to chip your way on over and check out our amazing Statistics. We are on the short game now and need to pitch one right into the cup for Cheryl. If you like playing sports as much as me then you know that math is the key to success in most any game. As a highly competetive person. I get real riled up when I see squandered opportunity on the playing field. "DON'T blow our shot" Not only will Cheryl Dillingham sink that 3 foot putt. She is good at the long game too.

Vote for Cheryl so we can go back to worrying about our game scores and not our empty wallets.

See you on the playing field. Now some rock and roll. Take What You Want - Def Leppard

5.14.22 I saw a nice green ad for Cheryl popup on one of the small local news sites. I think all the small fish should swim together on this one and get 'er done! I notice a local notorious Law Firm has started circling their wagons around the completely incompetent Karen Paz Dominguez. You are definitely known by the company you keep! That means you Erik Kirk - senior partner with Chris Johnson Hamer of Stokes, Hamer, Kirk and Eads. Nice ethics on display for the whole county to see from this law firm! It seems to be their MO aka (Mode of Operation). It is an outright war to protect the community from sharks. We are going Pink for Barbara and Green for Cheryl. Listen to what Karen Paz Dominguez has to say and tell me what it sounds like to you...

Jive Talkin' - Bee Gees

5.13.22 Cheryl Dillingham - say her name with me "C H E R Y L!" We need her for Auditor Controller. Trust me on this. Karen Paz Dominguez is all talk and no action. In fact she and her pals seem to be purposely harming Humboldt County for some sick political game so far as far as I can tell. I am not just preaching to the choir here. Tell your friends. Tell your teachers' Cheryl will put the county back on track with the math. Tell Karen Paz Dominguez to "Hit the road Jack" in fact here is another great song for today.

Hit the road Jack - Ray Charles

4.29.22 Standing on a rock Ozark Mountain Daredevils

4.26.22 Some of you may know that I sustained a bit of an injury. The great news is it is going to heal but it has delayed some important studio construction work. Rest assured Steve is on the job and the bad guys know it. Good Friday, I told Barbara that I would do my best to help her. Of course she knew it already. It is barbaric what they have done to her. The truth always bleeds thru. More to come...

4.14.22 Shout out to North Coast Aviation I see you regularly in the Stats. You all probably don't know this but Barbara's father was a flight navigator for Pan Am. It is his money and estate that Ms. Georgtown Law and her co-conspirotors has stolen. His name was Ralph Bareuther. He was a hard working World War II hero. We will be talking all about him and other Military hero's in the family in our documentary. Please feel free to bring news to us and we will publish what we can. Soft landings. Steve



4.11.22 OK one more lesson. Resizing pages.

(Windows PC) On your keyboard hold down the "Ctrl" and move your mouse wheel at the same time.

Now try it on each of the Rio Dell Times pages and see what you discover. Pretty cool eh :-)

More to come...

1.13.22 How about a computer lesson...

Oh. Canada! Canada is a favorite place for people with a VPN. That's international traffic and traffic that want's to stay hidden and believe that they are... The social media networks all come to us and slurp up all those little bits of data. It's all quite efficient really. Then it gets redistributed. As it is redistributed. Some of those that get it will make further requests down the network. That will open the pipeline for more data to be transferred. Check out the Stat's and look at it thru the proper lens. You don't need millions of hits to succeed. Actually I only need a couple. Everyone else will help carry the load down the line. As far as people like Ms. Georgetown Law. All I need are the facts and people who can read. More to come.. (Steve)

Current Stats H E R E

1.11.22 Chicken Train Runnin All Day!

Oh yeah and if Canada's stats keep going up I am going to have to put a clip of me singing Oh' Canada! Stay tuned. Ha ha ha!

1.8.22 More to come... Here are the new Stats The numbers look GREAT!!! A n d... Thank God my Mother is up in Oregon where Ms. Georgetown Law can't get her too. You will notice Heidi in the above video. It is also Heidi in the Kidnapping of Barbara Lynn Bareuther. She is a good dog and gets along great with our guard cats. More to come.. (Steve)

1.7.22 Curious about how many people are looking at the media we are posting? Check out these stats!

1.5.22 Check out the side-by-side visual of a legitimate Capacity Declaration versus the legally deficient one submitted by Ms. Georgetown Law under penalty of perjury.

Keep watching...more is coming...

1.4.22 Happy New Year! It occured to me. What if Ms. Georgetown Law helped kidnap my Mom? or Yours? Ponder that and...


here is a home movie we filmed for Mom of her new home in Fortuna...

here is another link for the Kidnapping of Barbara Lynn Bareuther.

Also: H O T... Hot.. hot. Our Court page is back live. I was hoping to get much more work done before getting back to court but duty calls.

Springtime brings new chicks to Rio Dell Times. Each year we hope to rotate 5 one year old hens out of the flock to happy new homes. With proper care they will still have 2+ good egg laying years left. They are fat and healthy just like Steve@riodelltimes.com This years hens are Heritage Breed Plymouth Whites.

Don't miss this video. Our stats show people absolutely love "Crossing Guard Sentry Box." Stay tuned for more on this story!

Also Sharon's super popular KMUD Reports. H E R E

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