2014 Rio Dell Times Archive
2015 Rio Dell Times Front Page Archive 2013 Rio Dell Times Front Page Archive |
Assault RobberyTheft Suspect Wanted Man Arrested for Terrorist Threats 6.28.14 The 6.24.14 meeting is online! Includes budget approval with reimbursement for RDVFD utility charges, etc. City Council meeting Tues. July 1, 2014 Agenda Packet - includes approval of new city manager contract, 1% city sales tax measure for Nov. ballot (total sales tax would then be 8.5%), presentation regarding local greenhouse gas inventory, and more... Three city council positions to be on the Nov. ballot - interested parties need to file their paperwork by August 8th. Councilmember Melissa Marks has already stated she will not run for re-election; other positions are held by Julie Woodall and Gordon Johnson. 6.27.14 New City Manager, Kyle C. Knopp, employment agreement to be approved Tuesday Marijuana Investigation-Arrests Long time Eureka city auditor, Neil Prince, passes away California website owners arrested for facilitating prostitution and money laundering Petaluma couple indicted for conspiracy to defraud the United States 6.24.14 Rio Dell passes the budget; will reimburse the Fire Dept. for water/sewer charges. City will begin to account for its own water usage for the first time rather than spread the costs to rate payers. City employees received subsidized water from 2003-2011 but don't any longer according to City Manager Jim Stretch (public records here). Marijuana Investigation Arrest Passing the Torch of Humboldt Made 6.23.14 The 6.17.14 City Council Meeting Part 2 is online! KMUD highlights of June 17th city council meeting 6.22.14 Pain from water shortage widespread and growing - Sacramento Bee Even CalFire has been ordered to stop diverting water that serves four critical fire camps at the start of fire season. Understanding Prop 218 Legislative analysis published in 1996 and available to all cities 6.21.14 City provides utiliity billing information in response to record request - additional records are expected. Original request here. Special meeting Tues June 24th 6:30pm to approve budget and more... 6.20.14 Explorer Acadamy Graduation Traveling the Baja with Local Filmmaker The 6.17.14 City Council Meeting Part 1 is online! Includes discussion of Prop 218 and utility charges for Rio Dell Volunteer Fire Department. Note-the city does not pay for its own utility usage despite Prop 218. 6.19.14 Redway Burglary Arrest 6.18.14 Firearm Arrest Community Events updated re. "free" city water Highlights of the June 10, 2014 Rio Dell City Council Special Session - Includes budget review, Prop 218 and subsidized water to the city, etc. KIEM-TV Channel 3 coverage of City Council meeting - they did a good job with the story and weren't misled by the city line re. Davis lawsuit 6.17.14 Jail Death update Sacramento Grand Jury Report re. subsidized water violates Prop. 218 The cities have been on notice for years that they can not keep overcharging rate payers to provide "free" water to the city or anyone else. 6.16.14 Burglary 6.13.14 City council meeting Tues. June 17th 6:30pm Agenda Packet -note: minutes of prior meetings and sewer rate study are missing every other page due to a failure by city staff to copy double sided documents. Agenda includes passage of 2014-2015 Recommended Deficit Budget, zoning changes, approval of long debated changes to sewer rate charges, and more... Dying councilman's inquiry raises questions at City Hall - Times Standard Fire at Rio Dell business early this morning - Lost Coast Outpost 6.12.14 Burglary leads to arrest 6.11.14 Public Record Request re. rate payer subsidies for "free" water to city facilities and others. Prop 218 prohibits this and numerous lawsuits over the past 17 years has also found it illegal. In a related matter, the city is taking initial steps to increase water rates for the rest of us. 6.9.14 Assault/Brandishing with Firearm Update! Assault/Brandishing with Firearm 6.7.14 Special Meeting Tues June 10th, 6:30pm - Agenda Packet Budget study session regarding large budget deficit and plan to add staff to public works and police dept. City will decide what type of tax measure to put on the November ballot-utility tax or sales tax. General tax measure only requires 50% + 1 voter approval. Read the attached agenda packet for details. Hollywood-style surveillance technology closer to reality - Center for Investigative Reporting "Wide area surveillance" going on all around you at all times gathering and retaining massive amounts of information on every individual whether or not you've done anything wrong. Widespread use of license plate scanners by law enforcement causes privacy concerns - LA Times Data is being gathered by or sold to private companies as well 6.6.14 CASA of Humboldt Open House - next training session is starting soon! 6.4.14 Final election results 6.3.14 Early election results - numbers will be changing as more precincts come in. Rio Dell precinct voters were clearly in favor of Maggie Flemming for District Attorney. Election Day! Polls are open 7am-8pm. 6.2.14 Murder Suspect Booked into H.C.C.F. 6.1.14 Juvenile shot in Weitchpec |
5.31.14 City Council meeting Tues. June 3rd 6:30pm Agenda Packet - includes authorizing water rate study as first step in significant rate increase, consideration of adding Christian prayers to council meeting, etc. Don't forget to VOTE on Tuesday! 5.29.14 DA Candidate Forum Video Juan Ferrer to be arraigned on murder charges June 10th at 1:30pm in Dept. 4 by Judge Wilson - faces up to 26 years in prison if found guilty. Judge Wilson found good cause to go forward with the case after the controversial plea bargain offer by the DA's office of 2 years in county jail was denied by the court previously. Co-defendants Sophie Rocheleau and Nicholas Stoiber face 2nd degree felony assault charges. 5.28.14 Audio highlights from the DA Candidate Forum - Full Audio POP finds Gun, Drugs, Stolen Property 5.27.14 District Attorney Candidate Forum tomorrow at 6:30pm in Rio Dell City Hall Local Filmmakers Night - featuring Ace Aseltine of Revolution Motion Pictures 5.26.14 History of Memorial Day - Dept. of Veterans Affairs Boots on the Ground-The U.S. Marines in the Pacific during World War II - US History Scene 5.25.14 Shooting in Alderpoint 5.22.14 Smash & grab robberies in Eureka Sewer rate structure change expected to dramatically increase monthly bills for businesses. Public hearing continued to 6/3 meeting when council will vote to approve. Some bills will increase from $76 to over $200 a month for sewer alone. Water rate increase will be coming soon according to council as they also consider putting a tax on the November ballot for all residents. 5.16.14 City council meeting Tuesday May 20th 6:30pm Agenda Packet - includes approval of sewer rate changes, Old Ranch Rd. water customers update (moving towards possible litigation), etc. Read the minutes from the budget meeting re. shortfall and references to some questionable activities to balance the books previously. City is also moving towards putting a tax increase for residents on the November ballot, raise water rates and more... 5.15.14 Hash lab busted 5.14.14 Update: Officer Shot Humboldt Murder Suspect Captured by U.S. Marshals This is what a 'Holy Shit' moment looks like - Mother Jones 5.12.14 Mobile outreach services vehicle schedule 5.10.14 April had a record number of big earthquakes - The Atlantic 5.9.14 Policing for Profit? Lawmakers, advocates raise alarm at growing gov’t power to seize property - Fox News 5.8.14 District Attorney Forum in Rio Dell 5.7.14 Armed Robbery Arrest 5.6.14 Deputy Shot During Civil Eviction 5.5.14 Pacific View Charter School robbed of 15 computers Cal fire burn permits required now 5.4.14 Old Ranch Rd. meeting minutes re. city plans to stop providing water to the well used by multiple property owners. 1979 Haberstock agreement states "The City of Rio Dell simply agrees to furnish water to said system..." which is the shared well. The city has linked this issue with a demand for an easement to the Monument Springs property that the city wants to sell. Minutes also state the city is going to be raising everyone's water rates again "in the near future." 5.3.14 City Council meeting Tuesday May 6th 6:30pm - Agenda Packet - includes extension of contract with City Manager Jim Stretch, presentation re. Old Ranch Rd. water line, etc. 5.2.14 Attempted Murder Suspect Silverio Sanchez Update EPD requests assistance identifying robbery suspect California cops search for fire chief suspected in homicide - Fox News |
3.31.14 City responds to public record request re. Monument Springs Follow-up record request re. Monument Springs 3.29.14 Rio Dell City Counsel meeting Tuesday April 1st 6:30pm Agenda Packet - Includes traffic committee report, new Finance Director agreement with Brooke Woodcox (official start date is 4/7), authorization for Davis St. right of way survey at Eel River (River's Edge RV Park) and school property acquisition expenses of $17,145 and more... Slide shuts road near Gold Bluffs Beach Campground, Fern Canyon - Lost Coast Outpost 3.28.14 Drug Arrests 3.26.14 Murder Arrests 3.25.14 Marijuana Investigation 3.24.14 Rio Dell v. SHN Consulting Engineers DR130745 alleging negligent design and more related to the water infiltration gallery project done in 2006 - complaint - response Full meeting video from 3.18.14 city council meeting is now online! 3.22.14 Humboldt County Community Health Assessment 2013 - overall health outcomes puts Humboldt 48th out of 57 counties in health and even farther down the list for mortality More clips from 3.18.14 meeting re. Old Ranch Rd. including Charll Stoneman, David & Susan Hagemann, Kay Peake and Mike 3.20.14 Clips from Tuesday's council meeting regarding the council action to significantly alter or terminate water service to homes on Old Ranch Rd. Clips include City Manager Jim Stretch, Laura Coleman & Elizabeth Coleman Johnson. The full meeting video is coming soon. 3.18.14 Arcata fatal stabbing case reassigned from Firpo to Gallegos - Times-Standard 3.17.14 Missing Person Sheila Franks, 37 years old More!!! 3.16.14 Pursuit/Injured USFS Officer Shots Fired The suspect is Community Events updated re. city moves to terminate water service to properties 3.14.14 City council meeting Tuesday the 18th 6:30pm Agenda Packet Includes authorization to alter or discontinue water service to properties on Old Ranch Rd, and more... Closed door session prior to meeting to discuss pending lawsuit against SHN Consulting Engineers (case number DR130745) 3.13.14 Missing Person DA Candidate Elan Firpo hosting Town Hall event March 16th 3.12.14 March 4th Rio Dell City Council Meeting Second District Supervisor Estelle Fennell Discusses water emergency plans and more. 3.11.14 Holly Grigsby pleads guilty in death of 4 during killing spree, including Reginald Alan Clark in Eureka - Oregon Live 3.10.14 Wanted: Dog Killer $20,000 Reward! 3.9.14 6.9 magnitude earthquake located west of Ferndale - USGS 3.8.14 Family of murdered Arcata chef to challenge plea deal - Times Standard The faces of 'Obamacare' - Northcoast Journal 3.7.14 Humboldt County Fire Prevention Officer's Association News Release Search Warrant for Narcotics Leads to Stolen Property Recovery 3.6.14 Weapons, Stolen Property Arrest More!!! Blast from the past-Dinsmore Plateau housing development - Times Standard The developer paid to enlarge the Rio Dell water tank near the plateau and the city envisioned lots of revenue from the high end project until the developer was busted on federal charges of money laundering and drugs. 3.4.14 Tracy Johnson arrested for weapons violations in Loleta 3.3.14 City council packet available for tomorrow's meeting Humboldt Voters to Decide if Corporations should be Legal People EPD Launches Operation Safe Tweets 3.2.14 City Council Meeting Tuesday 6:30pm Agenda (the full agenda packet is not available from the city online to date) Includes discussion of local drought situation with County Supervisor Estelle Fennel, change to budget to 'increase water fund revenues' (no details available), approve 66% increase to building permit fees, approval of home occupation and cottage industry regulations, etc. |
2.27.14 Eureka's Most Wanted 2.27.14 San Jose Man Sentenced to 15 Years for Attempting to Bomb Bank In Oakland 2.25.14 The 2.18.14 city council meeting is online! Includes discussion of 66% increase in building permit fees, sludge from Ferndale, changes to the home occupation and cottage industry regulations, etc. Board of Supervisors Headwaters Fund Annual Report - recommendation to stop awarding community investment fund grants for two years to build fund back up. Note the chart near the end with the breakdown of past funding including multiple grants to Rio Dell. at the same meeting, Headwaters Fund awards $13,551 grant to film commission to hold an industry tour of the area. 2.24.14 William Hillegeist arrested for drugs after trespassing in Eureka Explosive Device Found Near School 2.23.14 KMUD Radio highlights of the 2.18.14 City Council meeting - Includes study session re. high energy use tax, more discussion of 66% increase to permit fees, changes to home occupation and cottage industry regs, etc. 2.22.14 Feds cut water to California Central Valley farmers - SF Gate Toxic waste is good for you (exerpt) - Organic Consumers A must-read about the PR campaign to change the name from sewage sludge to biosolids and convince consumers of its "beneficial use." Sludge by any other name is still sewage sludge. 2.21.14 Four killed in Tribal Office over eviction dispute - ABC News Devi Louhenapessy arrested for cultivation with 79 pounds of marijuana 2.20.14 Council packet for Tuesday's meeting is finally available. Contains proposed agreement for building inspection with the city paying for insurance on behalf of contractor, home occupation and cottage industry regulations, etc. The packet is the only place where you will see the actual details. Dirty cop sentenced for extortion, wire fraud, and more... 2.19.14 Public hearing to be held March 4th re. 66% total increase in building permit fees in order to pay for insurance on behalf of independent contractor in addition to making the program self-sufficient. More details in Community Events... State pays $49 million in bonus to Bay Bridge construction company despite broken bolts, water leaks, and more - SF Gate 2.18.14 EUREKA, CA—Allan Dollison, candidate for Humboldt County District Attorney is opposed to the plea deal of Involuntary Manslaughter given out to Juan Joseph Ferrer, by DA Candidate Elan Firpo. More!!! 2.15.14 City Council meeting Tuesday the 18th 6:30pm Agenda (full packet not available online) Study Session 6:00pm re. high energy use tax presentation. City to declare two city water wells for sale, approve agreement with uninsured building inspector Arnold Kemp while scheduling a public hearing to raise the building permit fees to pay for his insurance and establish precedent for any other independent contractor that wants the city to pay their standard costs of business. First reading of ordinance changes for home occupation and cottage industry but no details are available online as the city has not uploaded the agenda packet as of this date. Blast from the past - Cronyism here in Rio Dell KMUD Radio city council meeting summary online! Wanted fugitive couple, Lance Borgner & Christina Higgins arrested in Eureka 2.14.14 Dog owned by local research scientist is poisoned as possible retaliation Car theft investigation leads to arrest of Sandra Belisle (again) in Fortuna Tax attorney pleads guilty to tax fraud by failing to report $1.3 million of income 2.13.14 Court strikes down California law restricting concealed weapons - SF Gate 2.12.14 Drug bust at residence on 4th St. results in seven arrests for various charges The 2.4.14 City Council meeting is online! Includes city proposal to significantly increase building permit fees in order to make program self-supporting and to pay for basic professional insurance on behalf of independent contractor city building inspector Arnold Kemp. Fees would be raised drastically in order to cover the costs. 2.11.14 Investigation into check fraud by James Cunha and Rebecca Hamline continues Burglary, Drugs, Stolen Property, Arrests more!!! EPD Requests Public's Help in Locating Humboldt's "Most Wanted" Fugitives 2.10.14 Lance Borgner, Christina Higgins wanted for attempted robbery in McKinleyville 2.9.14 Big Game Update Online! Xube Cube Urn holding cremated remains stolen from Ocean View Cemetery 2.7.14 Animal Cruelty Dead of night: late night jail releases - North Coast Journal 2.5.14 People vs. Gary Lee Bullock set for trial August 4th, 2014 for the alleged murder and torture of Father Eric Freed after a hearing earlier today where another "not guilty" plea was entered by Bullock. Fracking is depleting water in California and other drought-prone areas - The Guardian Burglary in McKinleyville includes stolen truck, large amount of currency and numerous guns Local telephone scam reported; caller claims warrant issued for failure to appear for jury duty 2.4.14 Agenda packet now available - includes documentation (starting on pg. 34) on a proposal to raise city building permit fees in order to pay for insurance that the independent contractor building inspector has never had despite errors & ommission insurance being an industry standard cost of doing business. Independent contractors typically pay for their own insurance as a cost of doing business. More in Community Events... 2.3.14 City Council meeting tomorrow 6:30pm - full agenda packet not available online yet. 2.1.14 CA Dept of Water Resources cuts off water allotments to 25 million residents - SF Gate Fracking off the California coast - USA Today Offshore fracking has been going on under the radar for almost 2 decades at hundreds of wells while releasing contaminated water into the ocean |
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